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  • ...C. E. B. REAS (b. 1972, United States) lives and works in Los Angeles. His...
  • ... music for AT&T, General Motors, United Technologies, Colgate Palmolive...
  • ... Hütte – die Dependance der Universität Saarbrücken HBK Saar) –...
  • ... in theatre from the Ohio State University. Her doctoral dissertation...
  • ... associate professor at Columbia University, and is director of...
  • ... at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, in Ohio,...
  • ... Gabriel , Peter Weibel and Jeffrey Shaw. Graduated from the Media...
  • ... of Studio Arts at Concordia University (Intermedia/Cyberarts...
  • ... His works focus on universal human experiences—birth,...
  • ... He has exhibited in the United States, Europe, Canada,...