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  • ... science, statistics, anthropology, visual... Young Global Leader by the World Economic...
  • ...Max Hattler is an artist and academic who works with abstract...
  • ...Harwood started out as an artist during the 1980s. He was... class culture); Underground newspaper (a...
  • ... with visual-artists such as Bruce McLean and... the University of Derby. She is currently...
  • ... In 1992, she was artist-in-residence at the...
  • ... American artist and filmmaker. She was...
  • ... and media artist based in Hong Kong. His...
  • ... contemporary artists investigating the...
  • ...aul Hertz is an independent artist, printmaker, and curator... Institute of Modern Art in Chicago, and...
  • Tad Hirsch is a researcher and PhD candidate in the Smart Cities Group at MIT's Media Lab, where his work focuses on the intersections between art, activism, and technology. He has worked with Intel's People and Practices Research Group, Motorola's