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  • ... in 2003. He currently teaches software, media, and tech culture as faculty at Calarts. His...
  • ... the Winnipeg Art Gallery. He is a multi-media artist and had been practicing for 20 years...
  • ... France) and at UQAM’s school of visual and media art. Chatonsky’s body of work, including...
  • ... the winner of the first prize in the “new media art” category of Italy XII Florence Biennial...
  • ... artist worked in various fields of media art: net-art, street-art, video-art,...
  • ... Industrial Design and Experimental Media Design at the University of the Arts Berlin...
  • ... for the Xth Sense; the Transitio New Media Art Award (MX) for Nigredo, created with...
  • ...He is a multidisciplinary installation and media spanish artist. Research Fellow at the center for...
  • ... creates interactive artworks using multi-media technology, computer programming, electronics...
  • ... London (1996). His work with digital media has focused on developing conjunctions of...