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  • Artist: Holger MohauptComment:
  • Dear Friends, I am new to the ADA, and glad to meet / chat with you via this platform. I am working in the academic field as a researcher of digital culture, and heritage topics and cultural policies.
  • ... of human imagination. Such systems typically expose a particular identity while still offering boundless diversity within a...
  • ...Michael Bielicky participate presenting projects that experiment with navigation, video-communication, virtual reality and data visualization...
  • ...Lawrence Bird practices in the visual arts, architecture, and urban design. A fascination with images of cities and geography, and relationships...
  • Artist: Kate MondlochComment:
  • ... has a monologue about human life while searching through terabytes of information: profiles, memories, photos and other imagery that... has driven me towards a passion, both inside and out of the artistic realm, of the digital world, as well as of forward thinking...
  • Artist: Antonio R. MontesinoComment:
  • Artist: Jacquelyn MorieComment:
  • ...Moya, the Artist living in his art work Performer, visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an art mediterranean, funny, baroque,...