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  • Artist: Holger MohauptComment:
  • ...Dear Friends, I am new to the ADA, and glad to meet / chat with you via this platform. I am working in...
  • ...Peter Beyls thinks of the universe as one giant generative system revealing systemic behavior on... Such systems typically expose a particular identity while still offering boundless...
  • ...Michael Bielicky participate presenting projects that experiment with navigation, video-communication,...
  • ...Lawrence Bird practices in the visual arts, architecture, and urban design. A fascination with images... Lawrence Bird practices in the visual arts, architecture, and urban design. A fascination with images...
  • Artist: Kate MondlochComment:
  • ...During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in series such as Parallel,... a passion, both inside and out of the artistic realm, of the digital world, as well as...
  • Artist: Antonio R. MontesinoComment:
  • Artist: Jacquelyn MorieComment:
  • ...Moya, the Artist living in his art work Performer, visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an... Moya, the Artist living in his art work Performer, visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an...