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  • ... and Computation Group. Levin is Professor of Electronic Art at Carnegie...
  • ... intermedia, is a pioneer of the different genres of digital art:... Coins, 1995. Lin, a strong proponent in intermedia, is a pioneer...
  • ... the realization of media art projects in Berlin. Since 1997,...
  • ... interactive installations, projection environments and stage...
  • ... and audiovisual forms through programming, electronic design,...
  • ... can be the emergent generative products of growth processes. He has...
  • ... for the Documenta 12's Magazine Project. He has been guest researcher...
  • ... in remote rural places. Projects are shown at venues and...
  • ... computer scientist, university professor and author. He is...
  • ... kulturelle Bedingungen. Im Zuge prozessual angelegter Kunstprojekte...