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  • ...I’m a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo,Egypt. Most of my artworks are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My artwork is a product of improvisation and listening to a music track while working on each piece...
  • ... in the media art group Knowbotics Research. He write a generative computer program called Tierra that emulate evolution in digital terms. He is a hard AI proponent and envision evolution as an artform mediated by digital computation. He is porfessor of...
  • ... Ph.D. in Visual and Cultural Studies from University of Rochester [1993]. Manovich has been working with computer animation, digital cinema, digital photography, and interactive multimedia since 1984. He has been teaching digital arts since 1992. Manovich...
  • ...Richard Colson has taught digital media for many years in colleges and universities in the UK. He was Reader for Art and Digital Media Practice at Thames Valley University from 2008-2010 and Senior Lecturer at the same University responsible for the Undergraduate...
  • ...AKA the Digital Giraffe, with 46 years experience as a Digital Painter and Digital Sculptor. Editor, programmer, designer, author the Digital Giraffe eZine (, an award-winning monthly journal of art and culture now in its 30th year of web publication...
  • ...As a pioneer project in the field of Media Art research and preservation, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA) has been striving to document the rapidly evolving field of "digital born" art since 1999. The ever growing collection and vast overview of works and research...