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  • ... form of architecture practice that unites design, performance and...
  • ... form of art and storytelling that invite all into an artwork's...
  • ... creating hybrid installations that produce a form of artificial...
  • Geb. 1966 in Berlin. Studium der Geophysik und Philosophie in Berlin, Kiel und Hawaii. Promotion in Kulturwissenschaft bei Hartmut Böhme an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Seit 1994 Projekte und eigene Ausstellungen zur Verbindung zwischen Kunst
  • Born in 1967 in Berlin is an opera director and author. She produces experimental music theatre and media art inter alia in cooperation with Young Vic London (1987-89), the Academy of Arts Berlin (1993/94, Nederlandse Opera (1998), State theatre
  • ... immersion environments that merge physics, chemistry and...
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a
  • ... open source biotechnologies that use sound to enable different modes...
  • Toni Dove has produced unique and highly imaginative embodied hybrids of film, installation art and experimental theater. In her work, performers and participants interact with an unfolding narrative, using interface technologies such as motion
  • ... focuses on the possibilities that physical, chemical and computer...