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  • Roc Parés Burguès (Mexico, 1968. Lives and works in Catalonia since 1983). Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive Communication and Media Arts:
  • Artist film-maker whose current work centres on watery places such as rivers, estuaries and coastal zones. She uses a process-based dialogic methodology informed by écriture féminine to explore the interrelationship between bodies and forgotten,
  • Irena Paskali was born 1969 in Macedonia, she currently lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Before studying at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, where she finished her Master of Arts in 2007, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Skopje. The
  • Simon Penny is an Australian practitioner in the fields of Digital Cultural Practices, Embodied Interaction and Interactive Art. His practice has included artistic practice, technical research, theoretical writing, pedagogy and institution building.
  • Biografie Leo Peschta 18th june 1978, in Wien geboren lebt und arbeitet in Wien 2008 Robots' Choice Award, Art-Bots Dublin since 2008 working for RCSI, (Research Center for Shared Incompetence) 2003-2004 Heinrich-Klotz
  • Lin Pey-Chwen was born in Ping-tong County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was chairwoman of the Graduate School of Multimedia and Animation Arts, National Taiwan
  • PLANCTON was founded in the 1994 by a group of three artists (Annunziato, Pierucci and Gemma de Julio) and started the activities with a series of artworks and experiments on expressive languages based on the fusion of different media (video, music,
  • Stephen Travis Pope is an award-winning composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist based in Santa Barbara, California. He is currently active as a software development contractor and intellectual property expert through FASTLab.
  • Andrea Polli is an artist working at the intersection of art, science and technology whose practice includes media installation, public interventions, curating and directing art and community projects and writing. She has been creating media and
  • Julius Popp (born 1973) is an artist based in Leipzig and New York. Popp was born in Nuremberg. His work often uses technology,[1] resulting in interdisciplinary ventures which reach across the boundaries of art and science.[2] An example of