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  • ... suburbs in north Paris where the family stayed during... before his birth in the Algerian independence war. He...
  • ... University of Ljubljana, where she has been teaching since... studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two...
  • ... She developed the concept of "Renaissance...
  • ... Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und...
  • ... at the Banff Centre, where she created the Banff New... Dr. Sara Diamond is the President of OCAD University, Canada's...
  • ... Strauss undertook their joint, creative actions in...
  • ... focus on art and media theories
  • ... conferences where she presents these movies... solo exhibitions. From the eighties she becames...
  • ... technology, and theories of mediation. In his...
  • ... Recent activities include; the development of a ‘Virtual... context. “GeneMusiK” departs from previous experiments in...