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  • ... an M.F.A. and Ph.D. in theatre from the Ohio State... da Laurel is a designer, researcher and writer. Her work focuses on... an M.F.A. and Ph.D. in theatre from the Ohio State... reality and remote presence technology and...
  • ... embodied, felt, sensed, the visceral, physical, and... performance and interactive art, mobile media... embodied, felt, sensed, the visceral, physical, and... extended embodiment and presence in real and mixed...
  • ... before his birth in the Algerian independence war. He... following his mother and his brother, to live in... before his birth in the Algerian independence war. He... and feeling the presence of the visitors,...
  • ... to explore various themes. His videos often... using video, drawing and found objects to explore... to explore various themes. His videos often...
  • ... and technology-related themes and the ways in which... tricia Olynyk is an artist, writer, and educator whose work explores... and technology-related themes and the ways in which...
  • ... to create fine art in the early 1980s. He now works... involving printmaking and video. Since 2007 his primary... to create fine art in the early 1980s. He now works...
  • ... studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two... University of Ljubljana, and at the Ecole Nationale... studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two...
  • ... She developed the concept of "Renaissance... Cox has authored many papers and monologues on computer graphics,... She developed the concept of "Renaissance...
  • ... Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und... Lives and works in New York Videoinstallations, Media-Art, Writings,... Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und...
  • ... and curator working in the intersection of the arts,... 1957) is a composer and new media artist, educator,... and curator working in the intersection of the arts,...