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  • ... him his virtual « Moya Land ». Today, because of his work in all... city near the sea), where he lives, he is the last part of the...
  • ... Nacional Centro de Arte in Spain; the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna...
  • ... of the Basque Country, Spain.
  • ... work had been exhibit in ARCO-Spain, Centre Pompidou-Paris,...
  • ... investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet –...
  • ... large-scale installations and live performance addressing urgent...
  • Lia
    ... internet art, sound and live audio-visual performances. Lia has...
  • ... including Miro Museum (Spain, 1999), Musee des Beaux Arts de...
  • ... was Lightforms '98 in New York. Today I have reached a point where I...
  • ... using samplers and computers to match the pictures, all the time...