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  • Helena Ferreira (1982, Lisbon) is an artist, PhD student and FCT Research Fellow at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Trained as an artist her work develops around practical and theoretical research on art installation, video,
  • AKA the Digital Giraffe, with 46 years experience as a Digital Painter and Digital Sculptor. Editor, programmer, designer, author the Digital Giraffe eZine (, an award-winning monthly journal of art and culture now in its 30th year
  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at
  • Chen Yun-Ju is a New Media Artist from Taiwan. Her interests include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work spans multiple fields including video, installation, and performance art to express personal emotions
  • Peter Beyls thinks of the universe as one giant generative system revealing systemic behavior on numerous levels: from the unpredictable dynamics exposed in social structures to emergent functionality in the human brain to molecular interaction in
  • Website: Ana Jofre obtained her PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto, did Post-doctoral work at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg Maryland, and taught -and did research - at the
  • Karen Alekyan was born in 1975 in Gyumri, Armenia. As a contemporary artist, his art reflects the social-economical pictures and global technological, scientific, cultural developments. The Contemporary Art is an inseparable part of the developing
  • Vanessa Vozzo is a media artist and professor. She has been working in art since 1990. Specializing in media art from 2005, particularly in the field of art and science/hybrid art and interactive/open documentary. She uses interactive, immersive and
  • Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and
  • Hito Steyerl is professor for experimental film and video and the co-founder of the Research Center for Proxy Politics at the Berlin University of the Arts. She studied cinematography and documentary film in Tokyo and Munich and wrote her doctoral