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  • ... work has been exhibited at the University of Miami Lowe Art Museum, the...
  • ... Arts, Milan, and he took some University courses in electronic and...
  • ... cultures master at the University of Art and Design Linz,...
  • ... and exchange activities at the Universitat Politècnica de València...
  • ... Arts Center at State University of New York, and the Grande...
  • ... been published, most notably Alexander Hahn - Works 1976-2007,... A graduate of the Zurich University of Arts with a degree in art...
  • Writer and computer programer working on issues in philosophy, technology, and theories of mediation. In his work, he studies the abilities of new media to shape and control our lives.
  • ... an incomprehensibly complex universe we can only ever understand on...
  • ... From there she began a PhD at the University of Washington’s Center for...
  • ... sound design classes at Özyeğin University in Istanbul. Tuğan aims to...