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  • ... human-computer interaction, and data visualization. She is currently an...
  • ... scientists on sound and data sonification projects. Among other...
  • ... organisms and ecosystems and how they may be processed through... organic and inorganic systems can be wired together through various... both to the act of acquiring knowledge and information through... generated, or technology based, data in an effort to provoke behaviours...
  • ... and ARCO Electronico Award WITH “Canal accessible”. Since then Antoni Abad...
  • ... and research as a way of knowing, through the automatic machine...
  • ... Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada and at the STEIM foundation in...
  • ... in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan and has won... provoke reflection on language, knowledge, space and visual poetics. He...
  • ... direct simplicity. They are shown in museums and galleries worldwide... months throughout the American Southwest photographing Native... as an avenue to self-knowledge. His works focus on universal...
  • ...Computer scientist interested in data, artificial intelligence, interaction — in...
  • ... works have been screened or shown at numerous festivals, conferences... animation, environmental data visualization, net-art and...