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  • ... get it, then I believe you have failed as a visual artist. My current project is: WHAT MAKES YOU, YOU? This virtual visual interactive art project is online, ongoing, and digital. The answers to this question act as an inspiration for me to do a unique...
  • ... the domain he has been creating web based works since 1996 with a strong focus on repetitious sound-screens and interactive audio visual pieces. functions like an archive of fictional and real incidents where personal experience...
  • ... Australian arts practice. Biggs’s own practice during this period included work with computer-generated animation, interactive installation, internet based artworks and work for CD-ROM. He collaborated with several composers, including Amsterdam...
  • ... discourse, methodological development, and the production of works in the areas of ArtScience, Computational Art, and Interactive Architecture. His research work emphasizes methodological development in the integration of hardware, software and...
  • ... Sikora. Dr. Nechvatal earned his Ph.D. in the philosophy of art and new technology at The Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) at the University of Wales, Newport, UK where he served as conference coordinator for the 1st International...
  • ... the design of films, moving image, media art in general for public spaces in led screens and in VR projects in the field of interactive video art ...
  • ... van Beuningen 2002 exhibition 'Kunstaanmoedigingsprijs Amstelveen', Aemstelle2002 teaching / workshops: since 2005 interactive media, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam 2009 Workshop Conditional Drawings @ Paralelo: Techonolgy & Environment, Sao...
  • ... exploring technoetic arts, emphasising the spiritual-mystical and occult in art, film, screen-dance, and networked-digital-interactive forms of performance and narrative. Lila Moore’s body of work evolved from her early multimedia performances and...
  • ... was awarded the department's outstanding academic achievement award. She premiered her brain opera "Noor", a fully immersive interactive brainwave opera at ISEA Hong Kong and the Microwave International Festival, HK. Her PhD thesis, "Is There A Place In...
  • ... the intersection of the virtual and physical worlds, created with a variety of computer controlled processes, and several interactive environments that utilize a cross-fertilization of virtual reality and game technologies. (source:...