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  • ... Kong where he is an Assistant Professor at School of Creative Media,...
  • ... Dance in Leeds. Choreographic projects include solo works and...
  • ... artist and filmmaker. She was Professor Emeritus at the University of...
  • ... Hong Kong. His artworks span different media including film, video,... He is currently an associate professor at The School of Creative...
  • ... sound is explored using different approaches of discourse... in the 1980s starts a video program at the Cornish College of the...
  • ... who works with algorithmic processes. From 1971 to 1983, he lived...
  • ... technological world, its product and interface.
  • ... slow frame rates to produce what I would define as ambient...
  • ... Aesthetics". Currently, he is professor at Fine Arts Study (UB):...
  • ... Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (1977); and honorary...