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  • ... Director of the Processing Foundation, whose mission is to serve those who have historically not had access to the fields of technology, code, and art in learning software and visual literacy. Lauren is an Associate Professor at UCLA Design Media Arts.
  • ... in all aspects of everyday life. This practice is focused on approaches that re-frame, re-imagine and resist pervasive technical systems creating new understandings of the action of networks in the contemporary city. His practice is characterized by...
  • ... been exploring the intersection between Art and Biology, working in research laboratories demonstrating that new biological technologies can be used as new art medium. In 1999 de Menezes created her first biological artwork (Nature?) by modifying the...
  • ...Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by data overload. Marcello Mercado’s work...
  • ...SM Lives in São Paulo as a New Media Artist and Researcher employing computer-based technologies and moving-image associated to architectural constructions in the production of art. Michelin investigates the production of social space through people's behavioral...
  • ... systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and eye-tracking technologies among others to establish a interactive environment of reaction and reflection. She was professor of Media Art Lab at...
  • ... Media Arts and Science Ogaki, Japan (2003). In his artworks and research, he examines socio-cultural implications of media technology and human computer interfaces. His interactive installations and artworks, including 'Bubbles' (in collaboration with K....
  • ... condition mainly in symbolical related forms . His work often take shape of immersive installations and make use of analog techniques and encyclopaedic classification. In the 90's he work around digital media on net art and virtual reality using 3-D...
  • ... postdoc at the Planetary Collegium of Plymouth University, which she completed in 2015. It is a networked platform exploring technoetic arts, emphasising the spiritual-mystical and occult in art, film, screen-dance, and networked-digital-interactive forms of...
  • ... his collaboration with the programmer Stéphane Sikora. Dr. Nechvatal earned his Ph.D. in the philosophy of art and new technology at The Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) at the University of Wales, Newport, UK where he served...