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  • ... networks and communication systems on contemporary aesthetics and...
  • ... theory and Al, organised systems, cybernetics and complex... in 8 important pioneers in computer graphics and video synthesis...
  • ... composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist...
  • ... told him of the new Amiga computers and how they would...
  • ... shapes with 3d interactive computers. He developed this method of...
  • ... (synworld, ISEA, games-computerspiele von KünstlerInnen,...
  • ... He began working with computers in 1983. He was...
  • ... hybrid installations as poetic systems for the rethinking of the...
  • ... a pioneer in video art and computer art. A multidisciplinary...
  • ... theorist, educator, computer systems designer, choreographer, and... Thecla Schiphorst is a computer media artist, theorist, educator, computer systems...