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  • ... and technologies. With her installations she explores how...
  • ... videotapes, architectural video installations, sound environments,... the American Southwest photographing Native American rock art...
  • ... Performances, Electronic Music, Installations and audiovisuelle Rooms
  • ... of Robotic Art since 1992. His installation and performance projects...
  • ... scenarios, she develops hybrid installations as poetic systems for the...
  • ... exhibiting an interactive music installation and digital print in the... Web Art. His digital art, photography, music and writing explore...
  • ... artists today. Working in installation, photography and video,... Working in installation, photography and video, his sculpturally...
  • ... Vienna activism and co-founded Hotel Morphila orchestra. With his...
  • ... of interactive cinema. His installations have been exhibited since...
  • ...Wellmer is operating at the edge of video, installation and painting. The works...