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  • ... to be exhibited both as installations and online....
  • ... design and bespoke art installations. Troika has...
  • ... been collected and shown in a variety of Internet... computers also includes installations with web components.
  • ... work has been shown widely in museums, non profit... temporary interferences, installations, land-art, sound...
  • ... awards including Best Showroom at Neocon, 2001 (Herman... the field of interactive installation. Her work has been...
  • ... with Fred Gales (2003) shown in Paris, Linz, Karlsruhe,... culture. Interactive installations dramatizing...
  • ... the field of interactive installation art since 1995....
  • ... she explores how communication technologies... technologies. With her installations she explores how...
  • ... focused on interactive installations, creative...
  • ... Art since 1992. His installation and performance...