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  • Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda is an interdisciplinary media artist and cultural historian with a research focus in Latin American media art history. She is Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser
  • Romy Achituv is an experimental interdisciplinary artist whose work engages issues of representation, language, time, and memory. Underlying his practice is an ongoing interest in the language of visual representation and in dynamics of
  • Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien is a lecturer in sciences of visual arts and sciences of New-Media Arts. He is an artist, educator, researcher, and creator to setup systems of artworks, basically depending on the intersection between art, sciences, and
  • Artist: Luiz DinizComment:
  • Artist: Karen Ann DonnachieComment:
  • Artist: Ernest EdmondsComment:
  • Artist: Juan Carlos EguillorComment:
  • Artist: Leandro EstrellaComment:
  • Artist: Partial FacsimileComment:
  • Born 1968 in Redondo Beach, California (USA); 1986-1987 studied at Marymount College, Palos Verdes, CA; 1987-1991 studied at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA. Aitken lives and works in Los Angeles (USA). Aitken belongs to a generation