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  • ...Matt Pyke (b. 1977, UK) formed the multi-disciplinary design studio Universal...
  • Tjebbe van Tijen born in The Hague, lives and works in Hong Kong and Amsterdam. He studied sculpture in Den Bosch, Milano and London. Various happenings and expanded cinema projects in London and cities in the Netherlands 1965-1968. Founded and
  • Camille Utterback is a pioneering artist and programmer in the field of interactive installation. Her work has been exhibited at galleries, festivals, and museums internationally including The New Museum of Contemporary Art, The American Museum of
  • ... career in web-design and information systems, including the launch...
  • ... nature, as well as the amalgams formed by these relationships. Drawing...
  • ... explore the invention of new forms of narrative and the relationship...
  • ... Lab, exploring new forms of visualization and how they can...
  • ... has been associated with 0+1, formerly APG, Artists’ Placement Group,...
  • ... digital imaging, biological forms and reproduction. She receive...
  • ... Managing and Communicating Information Over a Computer Network.