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  • Together with Manuel Barbadillo was one of the most prominent computer artists of Spain during the 60-70s. Founding member of the Seminar "Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas", which was held in the Complutense University (CCUM) in Madrid. In
  • For over thirty years Rebecca Allen has investigated a variety of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music videos, large-scale performance works, interactive art installations, video games, artificial life
  • Artist: Verena FriedrichComment:
  • artist and researcher with focus on art and media theories
  • Artist: Susan FuksComment:
  • Artist: Allister GallComment:
  • Artist: Jerry GalleComment:
  • Writer and computer programer working on issues in philosophy, technology, and theories of mediation. In his work, he studies the abilities of new media to shape and control our lives.
  • Artist: Oliver GingrichComment:
  • Mel Alexenberg is an artist, educator, writer and blogger working at the interface between art, science, technology and culture. His artworks explore interrelationships between the networked world and spirituality, postdigital art and Jewish