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  • Karsten Schmidt, also known as Toxi, is the director of Post Spectacular, the London-based design studio. At the heart of his practice lies the use of code as a creative tool and open-source technologies. Schmidt believes in building his own tools,
  • ... arbeiten an alternativen Formen der Architektur, die Design,...
  • ... Sex). (source:
  • Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First
  • ... Station Rose audio... put Techno in a sliding scale of forms and responses“ (The WIRE). "*The...
  • ... grid. Site-related and public forms of mediation are a deep and...
  • SHORT BIO Jon Thomson (b. 1969) and Alison Craighead (b. 1971) are artists living and working in London. They make artworks and installations for galleries, online and sometimes outdoors. Much of their recent work looks at live networks like the
  • ... / toys in which the artwork is formed through the accumulated...
  • ... and media. Since its formation in 2001 it has produced a...
  • ... artist working in a variety of forms, including new media and...