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  • ... the Rock Garden, Brain Club, Ministry of Sound and The Roundhouse. Through my contacts and...
  • ... (iCinema) at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (2003-2009) he led a...
  • ... meeting place, connecting individual souls through digital technology. I have so far...
  • ...Peter C. Simon is a sound and video artist and curator whose current interests include sound art, field...
  • ... Research Centre, London. Studied at Southport School of Art Camberwell College of Art...
  • ... Electronica 2000 Symposium (Next Sex). (source:
  • ... sustainable way. In 2018, the interactive sound object Forced Leisure was presented at the...
  • ... in 2016 with an "Honorary Doctorate". Source:...
  • ... [Bearbeiten] 2008 RAWextension f5, SoundART 2008, WDR-Funkhaus, Köln 2008 AREyeM,...
  • ... Crossings project. Spitz has been the South American Representative of SIGGRAPH...