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  • Maciej Wisniewski is an internationally respected digital artist and pioneer in network art. His art projects: netomat (1999), 4 Stories With a Twist (2004), 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet (2002), Instant Places (2002), Streaming Conscience
  • I am fascinated by human/techno/plant relations in dynamic systems and networked assemblages. Working with new technology against the grain, my research takes a positive yet critical approach, framed by new materialism and posthumanism. I have
  • Amy M. Youngs creates biological art, interactive sculptures, and digital media works that explore interdependencies between technology, plants and animals. Her practice-based research involves entanglements with the non-human, constructing
  • Andrea Zapp, born in Germany, is an internationally exhibiting media artist working across many platforms, such as “Networked Installation Stages”, art installations that are mixing and referencing real, virtual and online spaces; “Media, Miniature
  • Emiliano Zucchini was born in Frascati in 1982, and lives and works in Rome and Senigallia. An advertising graphic designer and artist, he has since 2006 been art director of “Arte Contemporanea” magazine. His artistic research ranges from painting
  • Nastplas is an international Artists duo based in Madrid, Spain, formed in 2006 by illustrator Fran R. Learte 'drFranken' and creative director Natalia Molinos 'Na' (together 'Equipo Nastplas'). Our work combines an impressive range of digital