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  • Beatriz Albuquerque lives and works between Porto and New York and is known for her interdisciplinary practices between multimedia performance and installation. She was selected by Flash Art magazine as one of the 100 most relevant international
  • Artist: Carlos Fadon VicenteComment:
  • Artist: Mechthild S FeistComment:
  • Artist: Andrea FerraioloComment:
  • Artist: Mary Finn-SaisselinComment:
  • Artist: Luca FiorucciComment:
  • Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, 2011: "Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss undertook their joint, creative actions in combined fields of art and science in late 1980s. (...) We can say that the art of Fleischmann and Strauss has developed in parallel
  • Artist multimedia. Nathalie Fougeras is a french-swedish artist working with multimedia art Media Art.
  • Artist: Daniel FrankeComment:
  • Karen Alekyan was born in 1975 in Gyumri, Armenia. As a contemporary artist, his art reflects the social-economical pictures and global technological, scientific, cultural developments. The Contemporary Art is an inseparable part of the developing