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  • Lin Pey-Chwen was born in Ping-tong County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was chairwoman of the Graduate School of Multimedia and Animation Arts, National Taiwan
  • Julius Popp (born 1973) is an artist based in Leipzig and New York. Popp was born in Nuremberg. His work often uses technology,[1] resulting in interdisciplinary ventures which reach across the boundaries of art and science.[2] An example of
  • Curriculum designer and senior lecturer for New Media and Creative Arts modules at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 2008-2016: Cyber Hub Leader at Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford, United Kingdom. Award-winning Net-Artist. 2004: Kunst am
  • Jaromil, a free software programmer, performer and emigrant, is the author and maintainer of the GNU GPL'd softwares MuSE, FreeJ and Hasciicam, which allow audio streaming and real-time video manipulation, and of the live distribution dyne:bolic
  • Schahram Poursoudmand Music & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Schahram Poursoudmand is a German experimental, avant-garde composer, music & sound artist, visual imagist and poet. He creates extraordinary music, sound and visual art.
  • C. E. B. REAS (b. 1972, United States) lives and works in Los Angeles. His software, prints, and installations have has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Asia. REAS'
  • Ken Rinaldo is internationally recognized for interactive art installations developing hybrid ecologies with animals, algorithms, plants, and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex social, biological,
  • Michael Rodemer's multifaceted education, acquired in the United States, Germany, and France, encompasses degrees in German, English, Comparative Literature, and Sculpture. This dual interest in the written word and in the "word-become-material" has
  • After studies of Philosophy and esthetic theory in Frankfurt und Paris (1988-1992) a short intermezzo followed as scientific assistant at Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt am Main. 1992 starting artistic practice with the projekt "Human
  • "A central concept of my artworks is 'freedom of speech.' My understanding of freedom and democracy is not only "rights"and "privileges" ­ the traditional definition in the USA ­ but also of responsibilities. Interactive Media give audiences the