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  • Artist: Sarah Beth GoncarovaComment:
  • I am a multimedia artist, using smart textiles in a digital format, using photography, film and 3D mapping. I am currently a PhD researcher at Birmingham School of Art, funded by AHRC/M3C.
  • ... work is based on research into the phenomenological nature...
  • ... chooses to work with the ephemeral: with wind and...
  • ... University for the Arts, continued his...
  • ... physics-string...
  • ... art and design at the Academy of media arts in...
  • She ist an artist and digital systems and media researcher. Aiming to get close to a symbiotic relationship beween human and artificial systems, her research focuses human-computer interfaces: she develops body-space integrating systems for
  • ... and Drawing at the School of the Art...
  • Artist: Anne-Sarah Le MeurComment: