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  • ... working in art since 1990. Specializing in media art from 2005, particularly in the field of art and science/hybrid art and interactive/open documentary. She uses interactive, immersive and XR systems. She teaches in this field at Politecnico and Albertina...
  • ... moved into video and computers in the early 80's, creating videotapes and installations, videodiscs, and now is working with interactive digital media as an artform. His principle interests center on the relationship of individuals to their society and on...
  • ... in UCLA. He is also head of the interdisciplinary group ART+COM. He had been prized by Golden Lion, Cannes, Ars Electronica Interactive Award, British Academy for Film and Television Interactive Award, ADC New York and ADC Germany Gold. His work had been...
  • ...Daniel Rozin trained as an industrial and interactive designer. He creates interactive installations and sculptures that have the ability to change and respond to the presence of a viewer. Although computers are often used, they are seldom visible. Mirrors and the...
  • ...JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman, co-founder of Viper Vertex Interactive is a California-based media artist, videographer and educator producing interactive multimedia exhibits, installations, CD-ROMs, internet Web sites, and video. Ms. Gillerman is professor of electronic arts...
  • ... deconstructed in the intercultural hybrid performances. She creates mainly in time-based media - video, performance and interactive installation. In 2014 she received a MA with honors in Interface Cultures at Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria. Her work...
  • ...Ethan Bach is internationally known for his media art which is primarily in immersive and interactive media. Bach received an MFA in Electronic Arts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2008 and BA in Media Production from The Evergreen State College in 1996. Ethan...
  • artist and programmer from Barcelona with a Fine Arts degree and a Masters in Digital Arts. She focuses her work in creating playful interactive art pieces in order to make new media art closer to the public (or users). She sees the game as an artistic experience...
  • ...David Rokeby, born 1960, studied at the Ontario College of Art. He is a pioneer in interactive art and an acknowledged innovator in interactive technologies. The technology Rokeby developed for this work is widely used by composers, choreographers, musicians, and...
  • ...F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is a digital media company specializing in: Interactive Technology, Virtual Reality, Interactive Media, Networking, Robotics, Digital Media and Integrated Media. The company operates in the fields of: Art, Design, Architecture, Edu-Entertainment,...