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  • ... of explorations, where the data gathered is the fertilizer for a...
  • ... enquiry whose goal is knowledge, and never just decoration....
  • ... ISIS project, which will link knowledge and information from all ages...
  • ... digital age. He had one man shows at the Museo Nacional de Bellas... writers from Africa, Europe and Canada. Since 1999, he is working again...
  • ... In its turn this "sense" can only be the image of the culture of... employed by industry and knowledge of them was had through...
  • ... resources which he hopes can outflow sepasrately but along side... the overwhelming and perpetual data-laden analog science artifacts...
  • ... example, her films have been shown and won awards at the Venice... at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb, Cannes, The National Academy of... Lillian F. Schwartz is best known for her pioneering work in the use of computers... the philosophy of art, whereby data bases containing information as to...
  • ... twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America featured... the future and the significance of computers and art. Csuri... Light and Magic, Pacific Data Images, Metro Light, Pixar, Rezn8,...
  • ... in the media art group Knowbotics Research. He write a...