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  • ... in the media art group Knowbotics Research. He write a...
  • ... The English portal with database entries to about 300 photogram...
  • ... the United States, Europe and Canada as well as in print and on radio...
  • ... positions at University of Canberra, a sessional academic at the... experiential and interconnected knowledge. Tracey works at the nexus of...
  • ... and Switzerland, his work can often be seen to employ a method of... production and dissemination of knowledge. Orlow's modular...
  • ... the following year. However the true public debut of the... live mix video via apps that can run on a MacBook Pro. For a couple... Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking... combining it with photographic data is an opportunity to represent...
  • ... her installations she explores how communication technologies affect... Marseille (2011-2013). Her work can be defined as experimental creative... published an edited volume - Database Aesthetics: Art in the age of...
  • ...(*1978 in Ravensburg) ) is a doctoral candidate with the Human-Computer...
  • ... at the same school and Phd candidate at the School of Architecture...