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  • ... that use sound to enable different modes of expression. He is... times in specialised conference proceedings, including CHI, NIME, ICMC,...
  • ...Toni Dove has produced unique and highly imaginative embodied hybrids of film,...
  • ... development of image generating processes. Driessens & Verstappen...
  • ... The Bellgrove Station Billboard Project (Glasgow, 1990-91), lead-artist...
  • ... in Bologna, Italy, and their projects HTML.Reality.b.html,...
  • ... Ort der Begegnung. ada is… ein Projekt zur künstlerischen...
  • ... three decades. His pioneering projects have been exhibited...
  • ... Japan 1992 participation in Progetto Civitella d'Agliano 92, Italy...
  • ... recontextualize the normal, producing works that are both...
  • ... department. In 2000-2002 this produced two ongoing collaborative...