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  • ... degree) . Mignonneau studied modern Art and Video Art at the “Ecole des Beaux Arts” in...
  • ... technologies from hunting cameras to video drones as a way to study, research and...
  • ... as a literary critic and artist. As a video producer and designer, he has worked with...
  • ...Lives and works in New York Videoinstallations, Media-Art, Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und...
  • ... two 3D printed installations, 2 videos and a book. The book, and the story it...
  • ... Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Videotage HK to create an internationally linked...
  • ... artist with moving image organisation videoclub during which time she produced an...
  • ... art, book art, installation, photo and videoart. His works are presented in Armenia and...
  • ... Lawrence has been developing a body of videos and projections focused on anomalies in...
  • ... and grateful that his brother showed him videogames back home in Vienna, Austria where he...