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  • Masi studied at Seton Hall University, N.J. USA, Brera Academy of Fine Art, Milan, Italy, PG Studies at Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea School of Art, London, UK. Denis Masi is an experimental artist who has worked, for 40 plus years, across a
  • Martina Menegon (she/her - Italy, 1988) is a digital artist, curator, and educator based in Vienna. She is Senior Artist and Lecturer in the Transmedia Art department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she teaches "Digital Design and
  • Yiannis Melanitis is a conceptual interdisciplinary artist working in the realms of body, performance, digital media and bioart. He study Painting, Sculpture and holds a Masters degree in Digital Arts from Athens School of Fine Arts. He is lecturer
  • Susan Narduli is a Los Angeles-based artist and Principal of Narduli Studio – an interdisciplinary design practice with commissions in public art, public spaces, digital installations, light environments, and landscapes. She holds a Bachelor of Fine
  • Lin Pey-Chwen was born in Ping-tong County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was chairwoman of the Graduate School of Multimedia and Animation Arts, National Taiwan
  • Thecla Schiphorst is a computer media artist, theorist, educator, computer systems designer, choreographer, and dancer. She is a member of the design team that has developed Life Forms, the computer compositional tool for choreography, and has been
  • Evelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree in Philosophy from Media Studies. Her works in the field of media and new media art focus
  • Reiner Strasser is an artist of traditional and digital arts. He studied art, art history and philosophy at the University of Mainz, Germany. His Web works, international collaborations, and Web art projects date from 1996. Strasser's Web work has
  • Pedro Alves da Veiga is a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a degree in Computer Science (Nova University of Lisbon), a Post-graduation in Advanced Studies of Digital Media Art (Aberta University) and a PhD in Digital
  • IJWBAA, or Paul ‘Pau’ Hafalla, from Manila, Philippines, is a creative visionary from Pangasinan. Driven by a deep passion for artistic innovation, IJWBAA challenges norms and expands creative boundaries. Influenced by Rothko's minimalism, Venus de