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  • Artist: Artur CabralComment:
  • Diego Caglioni investigates descriptive borders, anthropological meanings, aesthetical possibilities of the web and of AIs compared with artistic creativity, focusing his interest on video, installations and photography as main characters of his
  • Artist: Mar CanetComment:
  • Artist: Joe CantrellComment:
  • Artist: Luigia CardarelliComment:
  • Artist: Julia CarrilloComment:
  • escritor y comisario crítico de arte volcado en la difusión y promoción del arte público y las artes digitales writer and art critic consultant devoted to spreading and promotion of public and digital art
  • Selçuk ARTUT’s artistic research and production focus on the theoretical and practical dimensions of human-technology relations. Artut’s artworks have been exhibited at Sonar Istanbul, ISEA, AKM Istanbul, Siggraph, Dystopie Sound Art Festival
  • MONOCOLOR alias Marian Essl is a Vienna based audiovisual artist. He explores the interrelations between sound and image in both performance-based and installation-based works. His fully generative, algorithmically created imagery oscillates between
  • Artist: Jeannette CastioniComment: