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  • Marc Lee is a Swiss artist. He uses contemporary art as a vehicle to continuously redefine how we see ourselves and the world around us. He is experimenting with information and communication technologies and within his contemporary art practice, he
  • Lia
    Lia is an Austrian artist and one of the early pioneers of software and net art. Since 1995, she has been creating digital art, installations and sound works. Her work plays with the aesthetic of digital images and algorithms, and her output
  • Deeply rooted in art, music, mathematics and technology, Lin Hsin Hsin has composed and realized digital music without sound card and midi instruments since 1985. She has created the first virtual art museum in the world, 1994, designed the 50th
  • Néstor Lizalde, 1979 Zaragoza (Spain).His work explores the possibilities raised in the art world through the so-called new media. With an academic background: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master in Visual Arts and Multimedia, Advanced Design and
  • Giuliano Lombardo teaches Teoria della Percezione e Psicologia della Forma at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts. As an artist he has exhibited in museums, festivals and galleries, published music and sound pieces, composed music for theatrical
  • Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of Guadalajara with honors for his thesis work titled: "Bounded Variation Functions: Differenciation and
  • Alessandro Ludovico is an artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine since 1993. He has published and edited several books, and has lectured worldwide. He's one of the founders of Mag.Net (Electronic Cultural Publishers
  • Manu Luksch, founder of Ambient Information Systems (ambientTV.NET,) is filmmaker who works outside the frame. The "moving" image, and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age, has been a core theme of her works.
  • Rafael Lozano-Hemmer was born in Mexico City in 1967. In 1989 he received a B.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada. Electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection of
  • MACHFELD (Sabine Maier | Michael Mastrototaro) Sabine Maier Sabine Maier ist „Photo & Medienkünstlerin“, die nicht nur mit den Medien arbeitet, sondern an den Medien. Seit 1999 ist sie freischaffende Foto- & Medienkünstlerin, die nicht nur mit,