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  • ... imaging systems. Although it becomes clear, this strong presence workshop processes linked to new technologies, his work...
  • ...Allison Kudla was born in the second month of 1980, her mother a preschool teacher, her father a college professor. At an early age she became...
  • ... Research, Inc. to develop virtual reality and remote presence technology and applications. She has worked as a software...
  • ... a channel of communication with the viewer and with oneself. At present, in addition to his artistic work, Solimán López is director...
  • ... real time video-data animations, netart and soundart. He has presented his work and given workshops and lectures throughout Latin...
  • ... notion of simplicity in the digital age. Maeda was appointed President of the Rhode Island School of Design in 2008. He was...
  • ... iconographies and cherished cultural stereotypes under pressure. Her point of view is unwaveringly urban and...
  • ... Knowledge, 2005) or bacteria (Decon, 2007). Her work has been presented internationally in exhibitions, articles and lectures. ...
  • ... our lives and circumscribes our imagined freedoms. It is this preoccupation, rather than any purely aesthetic aim, that gives...
  • ... in the future may derive from self-programming computers. He presents interactive dialectics through the computer, which...