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  • ... and installations as being pure communication. In the process, he utilizes the vocabulary...
  • Beatriz Albuquerque lives and works between Porto and New York and is known for her interdisciplinary practices between multimedia performance and installation. She was selected by Flash Art magazine as one of the 100 most relevant international
  • Artist: Aleš SvobodaComment:
  • Artist: Terese SvobodaComment:
  • Artist: Stella SylaiouComment:
  • Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory. She has done pioneering work in developing the dramatic and poetic capabilities of various forms of virtual and augmented reality as media for
  • Artist: Sonja van KerkhoffComment:
  • Artist: Stan VanDerBeekComment:
  • ... collective memories, his videos communicate to a wide audience, allowing viewers to...
  • Karen Alekyan was born in 1975 in Gyumri, Armenia. As a contemporary artist, his art reflects the social-economical pictures and global technological, scientific, cultural developments. The Contemporary Art is an inseparable part of the developing