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  • ...My particular expertise in the history of computer and digital art began in 2002 when I joined an...
  • ...Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He...
  • ... Gallery, Paris. Beeinflusst von der Theorie Max Benses und dem Komponisten Pierre...
  • ... interdisciplinary artist working in the realms of body, performance, digital media and...
  • ... from Middlesex University (2001, UK) in the context of modern and contemporary art,... She also curates the White Empathy Box online gallery and is a member of White Page...
  • ... at UCSB, transarchitect, artist, and theorist. He exhibits, lectures, and conducts...
  • ...Leonel Moura is a pioneer in the application of robotics and artificial intelligence in art. In 2001 he...
  • ...eph Nechvatal's contemporary art practice engages in the fragile wedding of image production and image...
  • ... Los Angeles based post-conceptual artist, theorist and writer who explores the interfaces...
  • ... dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines...