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  • ...Char Davies is internationally recognized for pioneering artworks using the technologies of virtual reality. Originally a painter, she transitioned to digital media in the late-80s, becoming a founding director of the 3-D software company Softimage. Her most renowned...
  • ... in search of a new identity. Since the sixties, recent changes have been taking place in parallel with the rise of new technologies, which partly replace man, conceptualising his creative actions. The result is the advent and materialisation of a new...
  • ...Laura Dekker’s research-based art practice considers the reciprocal roles of technologies in how we experience, make sense of, cope with, and construct ourselves and our world. She explores these ideas through interactive installations, combining physical materials,...
  • ...Lives and works in Brussels The idea of interaction between the viewer and an artwork, mediated by technologically progressive visualization methods, lies at the core of her work. In her installations she uses various art forms on an equal basis: dance, music, cinema...
  • ... City. Her work was recently featured in one of the first curated shows of NFTs called "NFT NOW" curated by Anne Spalter for
  • ... with graphical music, the theatre of installation, objects and masks, the historical avandgardes of musical theatre, new technologies and possibilities to synthesize traditional and contemporary, linear and non-linear media on opera stage. contact:...
  • ... including the Drittes Physikalisches Institut (Goettingen University, Germany), the Institute of Advanced Sciences and Technologies (Japan), Ricso Lab (Russia) and the Meurice Institute (Belgium). They are the recipients of the Japan Media Arts...
  • ...Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a senior Professor at...
  • ... art and experimental theater. In her work, performers and participants interact with an unfolding narrative, using interface technologies such as motion sensing and laser harp to “perform” on-screen avatars. Her work had been presented in the United States,...
  • ... Bellgrove Station Billboard Project (Glasgow, 1990-91), lead-artist on the tenantspin project (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology, Liverpool 2001-7) and between 2008-14 he completed a Ph.D. on sound art based on the 10xCD opus The sounds of ideas...