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  • ... in 1994 a PhD in Statistics from UC Berkeley. He and collaborator Ben Rubin were awarded the Ars Electronica Golden Nica for Interactive Art for Listening Post in 2004, as well as a Webby Award in 2003. Their work has been exhibited in the New York Times...
  • ... an expressive approach based on chaos and artificial life to explore the potentiality of "artificial societies" to create interactive audio-visual environments and emergent behaviour. The relation between art and science, mind and society, communication...
  • ... history and electronic music, and at the Institute of Sonology in The Hague, he presently works as a freelance developer of interactive technology, teaches at New York University and Trinity College, and is an Artist Mentor for the Sound Art master's degree...
  • ... University of Rochester [1993]. Manovich has been working with computer animation, digital cinema, digital photography, and interactive multimedia since 1984. He has been teaching digital arts since 1992. Manovich lectures widely on new media theory and...
  • ... and in Art and Design from Victoria College of the Arts. She has exhibited many video artworks, conceptual performances and interactive environments in USA, Japan, Australia and Europe. A monograph entitled: Coded Characters Hatje Cantz 2002, Ed. Marille...
  • ...Amy M. Youngs creates biological art, interactive sculptures, and digital media works that explore interdependencies between technology, plants and animals. Her practice-based research involves entanglements with the non-human, constructing ecosystems, and seeing...
  • ... technologies are not fundamentally new, his projects imagine a “what could have been” scenario between the disciplines of interactive art, early and pre-cinema, and architecture. He is currently developing a series of works that deal with the intersection of...
  • ...Camille Utterback is a pioneering artist and programmer in the field of interactive installation. Her work has been exhibited at galleries, festivals, and museums internationally including The New Museum of Contemporary Art, The American Museum of the Moving Image, New...
  • ... were made accessible, including single channel works, miniature sculptures with video, public installation work, and finally interactive computer-based projects; she received a Rockefeller Fellowship in New Media to complete Developing, an interactive work...
  • ...Noriyuki Fujimura is a Japanese Media Artist and architect exploring the field between interactive art and public space. Research Fellow, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.He has a BA in architecture (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and...