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  • ... Ohio; New Forms Festival in...
  • ... Blau". Hartmut started out with... He is known for his experimental...
  • ... Ireland. Pierre started in the early... musical fields before moving into more...
  • ...I started my artistic career with "SMTV", a unit for a... "PetWORKs Co.", which deals with Software... "SMTV", a unit for a pirate TV station....
  • ... is traced upon which the different... oblige her to formulate a hypothesis, in...
  • ... development which is often described... material and form in music on the...
  • ... for which it develops its own... in n-dimensional form. Founded in 1997 and...
  • ... on the system in which she exists, with the... of Chicago for her first degree...
  • ... Latham has started his own company,... creating images which are free from the... compose a score for his Computer Art film...
  • ... and audiovisual forms through programming,...