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  • ...Filmmaker, visual artist and curator, working with video, photography, installation and commissions for public spaces. Her work focuses on the...
  • ... through the Art Institute of Chicago with a friend who was working in the digital media lab at the University of Wisconsin. His...
  • ...Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. He began his artistic activity in September 2001. His polymorphic work (installations, performances,...
  • ... elements, and the Western landscape tradition. His painted works explore political, environmental, and cultural issues. His...
  • ...Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-political...
  • ... for the Arts. He has traveled extensively and installed his work and performed on most continents.
  • ...Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet artist. Please find below a list of my...
  • ...My work focuses on visual explorations of culturally significant data. I'm constantly seeking new ways to represent information to create...
  • ...Mari Amman (b. 1984) works globally creating afferent artworks. Images, installations, poetry, performance, sculpture, and artistic research...
  • ...Alexander Hahn (b. 1954, Rapperswil, Switzerland) has worked in the analog and digital media arts since 1977, integrating the time-based forms...