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  • ... in Physical Mountains, in Virtual Worlds, and may be manifested phenomenologically in artificial intelligence beings, in digital spaces or in concrete robots. The objects of this poetic affection inhabit these places, being human or non-human, but...
  • ...Karina Smigla-Bobinski works as intermedia artist with analogue and digital media. She produces and collaborates on projects ranging from kinetic sculptures, interactiveinstallations, art interventions, featuring mixed reality and interactive art objects, and also...
  • ...American digital artist. His work has been exhibited at a variety of national and international venues including the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte in Spain; the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, California; the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the 2002 Whitney...
  • ...Owens is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator interested in the influence of digital networks and communication systems on contemporary aesthetics and the production of subjectivity. She is Director of Cornell Council for the Arts and Professor in the...
  • ...Philip Beesley is a professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo. A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, he was educated in visual art at Queen’s University, in technology at Humber College, and in architecture at the University...
  • ...Joachim Sauter is a media artist, designer and educator. He focussed on digital technologies and how they can be used to express content, form and narration. Saute is Professor of New Media and Design at the Universität der Künste Berlin, and in UCLA. He is also head...
  • ... Sánchez Cardona is the recipient of two consecutive Honorary Mentions at Prix Ars Electronica: 2021 in Sound Art and Digital Musics category and 2020 in Digital Communities category. Her books include Sonar. Navigation/Location of Sound in the XX...
  • ... of his work illustrates the importance- indeed, the prevalence- of interdisciplinary collaborative work in the field of digital art."
  • ... are also main components of his artistic work where he experiments with interactive installations and the conditions of digital perception. (source:
  • ... and computers in the early 80's, creating videotapes and installations, videodiscs, and now is working with interactive digital media as an artform. His principle interests center on the relationship of individuals to their society and on the issue of...