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  • ... a collective,, and has produced numerous works,... time and attempts to create new forms of fiction.
  • Susan Collins (b. 1964 London) is one of the UK's leading artists working with digital media. For the past decade the collision between the real and the artificial or virtual has been a key area of investigation. Collins works across public, gallery
  • ... art, book art, and performance. Formed in 1987, CAE's focus has been on...
  • FORMACIÓN Licenciado en Bellas Artes. Facultad Alonso Cano, Universidad de...
  • ... and new biological art forms." (source:...
  • ... they relate to the archetypal forms of the past. In many of his...
  • Margaret Dolinsky is an Artist, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor at the School of Fine Arts at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Her recent work involves digital painting fused into projections for opera and experimental film.
  • ... 10xCD opus The sounds of ideas forming. Through these projects Dunn...
  • ... contributions to contemporary forms of Art. Her actions are related...
  • ... The New School for Design, Platform21, Marcel Schmalgemeijer, Michael...