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  • ... Tuchacek. They hold a professorship... Tuchacek. They hold a professorship...
  • ... guiding idea is the alternative interface... guiding idea is the alternative interface... interfaces in game context....
  • ... and amplifying the underlying beauty, and... and amplifying the underlying beauty, and...
  • ... theatre performances and... and online projects. Currently... theatre performances and...
  • ... manifestations of the immediate, everyday... raw-thought line-based social... manifestations of the immediate, everyday...
  • ... lecture for the Interface Cultures and... lecture for the Interface Cultures and... Design, Game Studies, Next...
  • ... been active in the critical intersection... been active in the critical intersection... artistic game-development,...
  • ... engages in the fragile wedding of... and the Saline Royale / Ledoux... engages in the fragile wedding of...
  • ... Mediatheory Themen: Medien und... Mediatheory Themen: Medien und...
  • ... science and then playing with... and online. meniscus (1995-99) is... science and then playing with...