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  • Golan Levin is an artist and educator whose interests lie in reactive expression, non-verbal communication and technologies that explore our relationships with machines and computational systems. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from
  • The computer allows us to simulate reality. Although the simulation itself is not real it inherits a certain power to become real. Today, it is increasingly normal to transfer simulated reality into physical reality. With the help of computers the
  • ... and includes interactive artworks,...
  • Artist: (collective) Kairus Art+ResearchComment:
  • ... Dimensionen des Medialen arbeitet. Sie...
  • Aymeric Mansoux has taken part in many artistic experiments based on the internet and the emergence of networks, and considers any form of data to be a new clay that can be used to develop autonomous artistic processes. His most recent projects
  • ... them the feature described as Mixed...
  • Artist: (collective) QuadratureComment:
  • ... of Art and Design in Linz Austria...
  • International arts collective founded by Verónica Peráles, Fred Adam and Andy Deck, concerned with ecology, sustainability, and media. Since its formation in 2001 it has produced a series of critically acclaimed works and exhibitions under the