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  • ... focused on Artificial Intelligence from a post colonial perspective.
  • ...1989-91 Post-graduate MFA, The University of Reading, Reading, England 1985-88 BA Gwent College of...
  • ... for a more empathetic engagement with the Post-Anthropocenic Era. Academically, I was...
  • ... is "magnificently crafted" (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) and recently appeared on a new CD by...
  • ... Nica for Interactive Art for Listening Post in 2004, as well as a Webby Award in 2003....
  • ... (1996). She took up a doctoral research post with Aavaa, the African and Asian Visual...
  • ... is co-coordinator and researcher of the Post-Screen research project based on the use of...
  • ... Art, San Francisco State University, CA. Post B.A, Visual culture: criticism, and theory...
  • ... exuberance, and vitality from within a ‘post-natural’ experience of community. (Christina...
  • ... from the University of Toronto, did Post-doctoral work at NIST (National Institute of...